


Digital piano

A digital piano is an acoustic piano that uses digital technology to produce its sounds. The digital piano is a relatively new instrument, and has only been around for about three decades. Digital pianos use one or more digital sampling oscillators to generate their sounds. These oscillators sample the sound of a real acoustic piano, […]

The most popular card games in the casino and how to play them

  Slots and roulette are very popular in the casino, but those who like strategic thinking choose one of the card games. Skills are just as important as luck. The most popular card games in the casino are blackjack, baccarat and 3 card poker. Of course they remain gambling, strategy alone will not guarantee you […]

This is what you need to do for a successful dropshipping webshop

  Dropshipping is incredibly popular. Especially among Millennials and Z’ers, e-commerce and dropshipping are no longer unfamiliar territory. We also see that more and more entrepreneurs are running an online dropshipping shop. And the rapid growth is logical, because the world is changing at a rapid pace and digitization is moving faster than fast. The […]

Contactless payment and Tap to Pay from Apple: this is the difference

  Apple has announced that it is coming with Tap to Pay: a way to quickly checkout when you buy something. This mainly concerns small entrepreneurs, because unlike contactless payment at a payment terminal, you now pay from iPhone to iPhone. Tap to Pay If you are now in the supermarket and want to pay […]